About Willus.com

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  I am an engineer by profession and computing enthusiast by hobby. I write software both for work and for fun. I got into computers back in the late 1970's when TRS-80 and Apple personal computers became available. I've owned several variants of the TRS-80, a Commodore 64, a Timex Sinclair 1000, an original 128K Macintosh, an Amiga, and more lately several x86-based PC's. My home PC as of 2010 is my first one running a 64-bit O/S, Windows 7, on an Intel Core-i5 670 CPU with dual 2 TB drives (and an Intel X25MG2 SSD boot drive). I've programmed in BASIC, FORTRAN, Z-80 and x86 Assembly, C, and C++, with some poking around in Java and Eiffel. I program mostly in C, though, largely to create cross-platform applications (Linux/Unix and Windows). I also enjoy using digital cameras, though I definitely put the amateur in amateur photographer. When not working or spending time with my wife, young son, or two black cats (and when not watching Monday Night Football!), I occasionally find the time to update willus.com, my personal web site, where I keep links and information that I find to be useful. I think free software is a good idea (I have personally benefited from it greatly), so I've posted some of my software for free download.

You can see how I make a living here (650K gif).

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