/* ** wdpv.c Willus.com Digital Photo Viewer ** ** v1.12 6-24-11 ** *Compiled w/turbo jpeg lib v1.1.1. ** *win_get_desktop_dir() now called from WLM lib. ** ** v1.11 8-18-07 ** *Added back in bug fix to remove double-quotes if necessary ** (was original version 1.10). ** *Fixed -g option for gamma correction. ** ** v1.10 5-15-07 ** *Added -max option to limit the number of images processed. ** ** v1.09a 12-13-06 ** *Put in #ifdef's so it compiles on Mac OS/X. ** ** v1.09 6-18-06 ** *Fixed bug where I wasn't closing a file after opening it. ** *Fixed a couple potential memory leaks. ** ** v1.08 5-6-06 ** *Added -r option to recursively find files in subfolders. ** *Fixed bug where it wasn't getting the correct date for ** picture files listed in .txt files. ** ** v1.07 12-26-05 ** *Added -p flag for Philips display. ** ** v1.06 2-28-05 ** *More reliable function for getting the desktop folder ** (users registry lookup). This works for French versions which ** use "Bureau" as the desktop folder. ** ** v1.05 2-21-05 ** *Fixed crop/rotation bug. ** ** v1.04 2-17-05 ** *Extended the -crop option and added -inc, -cropmin, and -croppan ** options. ** ** v1.03 2-14-05 ** *Arbitrary target size (and aspect ratio). ** *Sort by name, date, or random shuffle (with optional reverse). ** *Re-named to wdpv.exe. ** *Reads from env var WDPV. ** ** v1.02 1-31-05 ** *Reads/applies picinfo information from pics. ** *Captions pictures. ** *Reads files from a test file. ** *Now reads extra cmd-line args from RSDPV env var. ** ** v1.01 1-21-05 ** Added option to set background color and to crop images. */